以前より栽培していたhybridのC.Love Castleは10年くらい放ったらかしで、
1,C.Love Castle / Slc.Love Castle (Kurenai or Happiness)
hybrid, Sl.Psyche × Lc.Jose Dias Castro
2,×Dendrobium lamyaiae
summer, cold-warm, 50%shade,
3,Bulbophyllum disciflorum / Trias disciflora
fall, warm-hot, 75%shade, high hum, even watering aroud the year,
needs high humidity and even watering year round,
4,Doritaenopsis Flamingo
5,Brachypeza semiteretifolia / Pteroceras semiteretifolium
winter-spring, summer-fall, cool, 50%shade,
in evergreen lowland forests on terminal branches and twigs of trees,
6,Acianthera recurva / Pleurothallis recurva
late spring-early fall, cool-warm, 100%shade,
in semi wet forests, wet montane forests and primary cloud forests,
7,×Scaphosepalum antenniferum
spring, cold-cool, 100%shade,
8,Hoya macrophylla variegata
late spring-early summer, 13°C-26°C, bright indirect light,
9,Cattleya Lovefort Natsuko ‘chita’ (Slc.Lovefort Natsuko ‘chita’ )
hybrid, C.love castle × C.beaufort
10,Cypripedium debile コアツモリソウ
spring, cold, 100%shade,
in humus rich and well drained soils in forests, thickets and shady places along ravines,
11,Doritis pulcherrima / Phalaenopsis pulcherrima
late summe-fall, warm-hot, 100%shade, bright light, even watering aroud the year,
12,Dendrobium moniliforme セッコク
winter-summer, cold-warm, 50%shade,
They need less water and fertilizer through the cooler winter months,
13,京紅 × Dendrobium cuthbertsonii
hybrid, 京紅 × Dendrobium cuthbertsonii
14,Bulbophyllum polliculosum
spring, 100%shade, should be kept moist in low light
15,Schoenorchis fragrans
summer, cool-warm, 50%shade,
semi-deciduous forests at elevations around 500 to 1200 meters,
16,Restrepia antennifera
late winter-early spring late summer-early fall, cold-cool, 50%shade,
17,Restrepia elegans?
fall-earlywinter, warm-hot, 75%shade, in wet montane forests,
18,Eria japonica オサラン
spring, cold-cool, 75%shade, on rocks or tree trunks in forests,
19,Thrixspermum japonicum カヤラン
fall, cool, 75%shade, in forest margins along rivers and valleys,
20,Bulbophyllum inconspicuum ムギラン
cold-cool, 75%shade,
21,Bulbophyllum japonicum ミヤマムギラン
late spring, cold-cool, 75%shade,
best mounted on treefern and given a well-shaded humid environment with moderate water,
22,Gastrochilus japonicus カシノキラン
fall, cold-warm, 50%shade,
(Mounting on tree fern and others) ample water year round,
23,Chiloschista sp
spring, warm, 50%shade,
24,Angraecum curnowianum (Aerangis curnowiana)
summer-fall, warm-hot, 100%shade, Mount this orchid on cork or treefern and
drench almost daily, fertilize weekly and give it deep shade,
25,Acianthera prolifera (Pleurothallis prolifera)
blooms at most any time of the year, cold-cool, 50%shade,
a little lesss water than with most other Pleurothallis.
26,Chiloschista sp north myammar,white with pink dots
27,×Oncidium noezlianum / Cochlioda noezliana
fall-winter, cold, 100%shade,
28,Brassolaeliocattleya memoria VidaLee 'Limelight' / Bc memoria VidaLee 'Limelight'
hybrid, Bc.Binosa (B.nodosa × C.bicolor)
× C.Brazilian Treasure (C.Batalinii x C.Edgard Van Belle)
29,Phalaenopsis Purple Martin
hybrid, Dtps.Kenneth Schubert × Phal.violacea
30,Pleurothallis pubescens
all season, cool-warm, 100%shade, in dense humid forests,
31,Cattleya leopoldii fma Trilabelo 'Schelm' × Self / C.leopoldii fma Trilabelo 'Scholm' x Self
mid summer, warm-hot, 50%shade, in coastal forests below 100 meters,
32,Cattleya maxima fma coerulea sib hector × self
fall-winter, warm-hot, 50%shade, in seasonally dry, coastal forests,
33,Tetramicra canaliculata
late spring-summer, warm, 50%shade, lithophytic or epiphytic found in lowland scrub
at the base of rosemary bushes or on rocky hillsides among limestone
in full sun with sticklike short stems enveloped basally by imbricate,
34,Dendrobium senile
spring-summer, cool-warm, 50%shade, This plant does better potted than mounted
and needs lower light levels in the wet summer and higher light levels in the dry winter.
Keep humidity high year round.
35,Phalaenopsis KS Orange
hybrid, Phalaenopsis Tzu Chiang Orange × Phalaenopsis KS Delight Sunset
36,Phalaenopsis OX Black Face
hybrid, Phalaenopsis OX Queen × Phalaenopsis OX Spot Queen
37,Phalaenopsis lindenii (× Sib)
summer-fall, cold, 100%shade,
38,Phalaenopsis maculata
winter, warm-hot, 100%shade,
39,Phalaenopsis mariae
spring-fall, warm-hot, 100%shade,
40,Phalaenopsis javanica
spring, warm, 75%shade,
41,Phalaenopsis equestris fma coerulea
fall-spring, warm-hot, 100%shade,
late winter-spring, cool, 50%shade,
43,Stelis aprica / Stelis catharinensis
winter-spring, cool-hot, 50%shade,
44,Phalaenopsis schilleriana luzon
spring, cool-hot, 100%shade,
likes shade, good humidity and even watering year round
45,Phalaenopsis amabilis var. sabah
spring-summer, warm-hot, more light than the average Phalaenopsis,
warm, 75%shade,
47,Maxillaria variabilis
all season, cold-warm, 75%shade, below trees in open or dense humid forests,
48,Maxillaria sophronitis
fall-early winter, cool-warm, 75%shade, cloud forests,
Odontioda kilauea hawaii
hybrid, Oncidium Sphacetante(hybrid) × Oncidium Charlesworthii(hybrid)
49,Cattleya purpurata semi-alba 'HIF-30' (Div.) (Laelia purpurata)
late spring-fall, cool-hot, 50%shade, needs a dry winter rest and moderate year round light
50,Cattleya maxima fma concolor → Cattleya maxima fma coerulea
51,Phragmipedium besseae
late winter-spring, cool, 75%shade,
on cliff-faces of riversides, on granite rocks, in wet montane forests,
52,Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica f.flava self
late spring-summer, warm-hot, 100%shade, in shady locales of humid forests,
53,Phalaenopsis tetraspis red
summer, warm-hot, 100%shade, very shady, dim forests and on mangroves,
54,×Phalaenopsis tetraspis
summer, warm-hot, 100%shade, very shady, dim forests and on mangroves,
55,Phalaenopsis sumatrana palawan × Phalaenopsis zebrina palawan
spring-fall, warm, 100%shade, mixed montane forests on trees
and shady nooks near streams,
spring-summer, hot, 100%shade,
56,Oncidium picasso 'rubis' / Odontioda picasso 'rubis'
Oncidium Ariitea (Onc. Adrien Lefebvre x Onc. Minos) × Oncidium noezlianum
57,Bulbophyllum scotinochiton
winter, 75%shade,
58,Cattleya tenebrossa ((aurea × tipo)× aurea) (Laelia tenebrosa)
late spring-summer, cool-hot, 75%shade,
59,Phalaenopsis bellina
summer-fall, hot, 100%shade,
in shady, humid, lowland and swampy riverine forests,
60,Phalaenopsis cochlearis
spring-summer, warm, 100%shade, forests on limestone,
61,Dendrobium spurium
all season, cool-hot, 75%shade, peat swamp forests and hill forests,
62,Laelia anceps var Guerrero
fall-spring, cool-warm, 75%shade, needs a dry winter rest
63,Cattleya percivaliana 'Jabon'
summer-fall, cool, 0%shade, full sun near rivers,
64,Cattleya guttata
fall-winter, cool-warm, 50%shade, near the seashore,
65,Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana
spring-summer, cool-hot, 100%shade,
likes a hot environment with plenty of water year round and low levels of light,
This orchid does well in a pot and has a habit of making keikis
so it is best to leave green,
viable inflorescence alone so they may bloom again,
66,Phalaenopsis fuscata
spring-summer, warm-hot, 100%shade, on trees near streams in shady forests,
67,Dendrobium subuliferum
fall-winter-spring, cool-hot, 75%shade,
ocasional terrestrial in shady, moss covered locations with close set,
68,Dendrobium peguanum red
late fall, hot, 50%shade, secondary shrub vegatation near streams
in hot and humid area,Water should be reduced and fertilizer eliminated
in the winter until new growth emerges in the spring.
69,Dendrobium parvulum'Violet Blue'
spring, cold-warm, 75%shade,
70,Acianthera recurva microphylla
late spring-early fall, cool-warm, 100%shade,
in semi wet forests, wet montane forests and primary cloud forests,
71,Cattleya maxima × sib (Gorgeous SM/JOGA × rubra Natural World) JC/AOS
72,Cattleya lucasiana
late spring-summer, cool, 50%shade,
"rupicolous" lithophyte on fully exposed rocky outcroppings with squat,
It needs to be potted with coarse materials such as expanded shale and sphagnum,
given a definite 6 month winter rest with only occasional mistings, bright light and water,
73,Dendrobium scabrilingue
winter-summer, cool-warm, 50%shade,
Blooming is initiated by giving the plant a cool dry winter rest,
followed by copious water and fertilizer after the new growth has appeared
in the spring.
74,Dendrobium dantaniense
late spring-early summer, hot, 75%shade,
75,Cattleya ghillanyi flamea (Laelia ghillanyi)
spring, cold-cool, 0%shade, rupicolus Laelia growing directly on rocks
in small cracks and crevasses,
76,Phalaenopsis Fuller's Gold Stripes
77,Phalaenopsis schilleriana f.purpurea type Quezon
spring, cool-hot, 100%shade, in rainforests, high up on the trees,
likes shade, good humidity and even watering year round,
78,Dendrobium platygastrium
sprig and again fall, cold-hot, 50%shade, with moss and ferns in dense lowland and montane,
humid forests near watercourses, mangrove swamps, moss forests,
79,Phalaenopsis speciosa Deep purple × Silver grey
late spring-early winter, warm-hot, 100%shade,
80,Laeliocattleya Illustrious No.1 (Cattleya Illustrious)
hybrid, Cattleya Lustre × Cattleya mendelii
81,Cleisostoma subulatum Mindoro
all season, hot, 50%shade,
82,Bulbophyllum violaceolabellum China
spring, hot, 75%shade, in sparse woods on limestone slopes,
83,Phalaenopsis marriottiana Myanmer
late winter-spring, warm, 75%shade, on limestone cliffs in deciduous,
montane forests and foothills,
84,Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica Leyte
late spring-summer, warm-hot, 100%shade, in shady locales of humid forests,
85,Trichoglottis orchidea Thai
late winter-spring-summer, warm-hot, 50%shade,
86,Phalaenopsis hygrochila Thai
late winter-spring, cool-hot, 0%shade, in evergreen and semi-deciduous forests
on limestone cliffs or in primary montane forests,
87,Trichoglottis amesiana
88,Trichoglottis atropurpurea
89,Phalaenopsis equestris f.grandiflora Surigao (sib)
90,Meiracyllium trinasutum f.album
91,Phalaenopsis stobartiana
92,Cattleya warscewiczii f.semi-alba 'Bedford' OG
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